I am a student, researcher, and practitioner of political representation and development in rural India. My academic and experiential work grapples with questions of how political representation is realized in unexpected and divergent ways, particularly among the indigenous peoples (Adivasis) and non-state interest groups that work outside the electoral channels.
I do so while balancing multiple hats, collaborating with academics and grassroots organizations (jan sangathans), to observe and improve gaps in political representation. I have previously worked on a project explaining the electoral and ideological dynamics of rising Hindu nationalism in constituencies reserved for Scheduled Tribes in Maharashtra. My upcoming projects involve academic and practical collaborations with grassroots organizations seeking to improve the electoral agency and participation of ethnic and gender minority voters in Maharashtra.
I graduated with a MA in Political Science (Development Studies) in May 2024 from McGill University, Canada. I have been a member of the Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship (CSDC) and the Institute for the Study of International Development (ISID) in Montreal, as well as a fellow at the Consortium on Analytics for Data-Drive Decision-Making (CAnD3). Prior to my MA, I completed a BA (First Class Honours) in Political Science at McGill University.